Wednesday, July 23, 2014

July 19th

I pretty much spent the whole day in bed. No strength to get up and still a strong fever. So I laid down all day reading a book. Lucky me Mary, the cook of the mission accepted to go buy some food for !e if I gave her some money. That way I could eat.

I was very surprised, though, that being in a catholic mission with quite a few nuns, and me laying down on the sofa in the hallway where they all have to pass to reach their floor, none of them even offered once to bring me some food or water. It really came as a big shock to me and made me wonder even more about their religion,  the reason why they joined the religion, and their mission as nuns.

It is even more strange as I am in such an incredibly hospitable country.

Oh dorm mate, a Senegalese - Mauritanian Belgium guy about my age doing some research here had the same behavior. "Oh you have a strong fever and you can't move. You need to eat and drink a lot." But he never asked if I needed anything.

After thinking about it more, that is maybe why it made me miss the Camino so much. That spirit of a tight community looking out for each other.

But I try not to judge. As Goenkaji would say "They don't know. It's not their fault." So I try to be compassionate. Not an easy task.

Voila! That was my day.

Fever slightly went down during the afternoon, but then peaked back up starting in the evening.

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