Friday, July 18, 2014

July 10th...relieved

Today was a better day. Though I had intended on going to take the malaria test first thing in the morning, there was a tourist couple staying at the campement who were driving to Kedougou to send some emails and offered Yohan and I to tag along. Perfect. Free ride, and WiFi synch of my tablet. Good to catch up with the world a bit, though no news from my family at all. Sad.

Anyhow, I also took advantage of the ride to buy 20 liters of water, vitamin C and more mosquito spray. Ready for the jungle again. Hehe!

It was weird to be in a pseudo developed city again after two weeks away. Not sure I liked it, though being able to buy fruits and veggies whenever I want is such a treat.

When we got back to Indar I did ta the test. The interaction with the interim kid subbing for the doctor who was in Kedougou for the day was quite interesting and representative of the lethargic effortless behavior of countryside villagers and hence why there doesn't seem to be any potential of improvement.

In any case, the test came out negative. What a relief. It is probably just a bad cold or bronchitis. I showered, changed, took a gram of paracetamol, and a gram of vitamin C, and we ate lunch.

We all rested after lunch. The early afternoon was hot and humid. Amadou prepared some tea which took forever to be ready. The tourist couple decided to drive to the waterfall of Dindefelo (where I intended to bike to and spend a couple of days this week). Yohan and Amadou were offered to join. I jumped on the opportunity to go as well, that way I would check out the place and know whether biking all the way there would be a waste of time.

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