Sunday, March 17, 2013

Welcome to my blog...

...the adventure officially starts on March 19th at I am just trying this darn blog thing just works...I cant believe I spent my entire last sunday afternoon in Miami working on understanding how the different blog tools work. Oh well...


  1. Quelle belle Aventure!!!!

    Tu vas enfin pouvoir aller jusqu'au bout de tes rêves.....


    Voyager en solitaire, c'est partir à la rencontre de sa "Source"....
    C'est aller découvrir notre "face cachée"....

    Alors je te souhaite de "percevoir" chaque instant de ce "voyage initiatique" et de n'en retenir que la "substantifique moëlle"....

    Que l'Aventure commence!!!!


  2. I'm threated! but from joy! I'm so proud and happy to have met a "gitano" ...
    I hope we can meet again some other time.. either here in Miami or in a randomly airport different from Tres Fronteras....
    This is a beginning for you and for us (who may wish to have soon) the courage to fly! I wish you all the best "corazon" and I know that this traveling will make you feel what means to be unique in this world... and I will be there to be all eyes and all ears, through your words and pictures.

    Alma T.
